RG&E 1941 progress - Out of the shop under her own power!

For the second weekend in a row, Rochester Gas & Electric GE 45-tonner #1941 was test run out of the museum's restoration shop under her own power with both prime movers.   The ability to do this has been the culmination of several years of hard work which has included the total rebuild of one prime mover, mechanical improvements to both prime movers, installation of new exhaust bowls in the short hoods, a complete brake COTS, and much more.

The next steps will be a good cleaning followed by a new coat of paint, RG&E lettering, and the professional installation of all new windows.   The painting and window work is supported by grants from the Amherst Railway Society.   The R&GVRRM thanks them for their continued support of railroad preservation.

For now, please take a look at a video of #1941 exiting the building under her own power on April 10, 2010.