Only one Partner still needed...

Thanks to more generous donations, the R&GVRRM's Partners in Panels fundraiser has now received donations for fifteen of the sixteen panels needed to complete the project.

Would you please consider being our sixteenth and final Partner?   Donation information can be found here including how to donate online.

The progress on the car has also continued.   We currently only have two full pieces and two shorter pieces of material to fit in order to complete the wall installation.   We hope to get close to finishing this during the museum's upcoming Saturday work session.   Help is always welcome!   We have also installed more new window sills and trim.   Here are two pictures taken during our April 24th work session showing the progress.
The east side of the car looking south with nearly all the new walls, trim and window sills installed.
The west side of the car looking at the south end showing the new wall panels, trim and window sills.