Scenes from Diesel Days 2005

PC 18526 and R&GV 1654 Arrive at the Transfer Point - Diesel Days visitors arrive at the transfer point after a ride to Industry Depot. Fairmont track cars will take them the rest of the way to the New York Museum of Transportation.

LV 211 to Industry - Lehigh Valley 211 makes a run southbound past Reid's Crossing during our annual Diesel Days event.

Visitors at the Transfer Point - Visitors make their way towards the trains on Diesel Days, our most popular annual event. Visitors can enjoy supervised rides on board our locomotives, or in the cabooses.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road - The museum recently acquired a vinyl lettering machine that allows us to make beautiful signage like this.

8/20/05 - TC1 Arrives at the Transfer Point
Visitors enjoy a ride on the track cars as they arrive at the transfer point.

The RITMRC Crew - Volunteers from the RIT Model Railroad Club pose on NKP 79 with John Redden. Our members come from all walks of life and perform a variety of tasks at the museum.

Ready and Waiting - Museum volunteer and student Brakeman Otto Vondrak poses with R&GV 1654 at the Transfer Point at the start of our Diesel Days event.

Track Inspection - Volunteers Randy Bogucki and Ryan Kane walk the main with the rolling track gauge near the Transfer Point. Randy was looking for any signs of excessive wear. Thanks to the excellent work by his Track Department, he found none.

LV 211 Heads North - After sitting on the sidelines last year, LV 211 heads north to participate in Diesel Days. This unique Alco locomotive was rebuilt by Conrail in 1979 with a salvaged EMD prime mover.