Empire State Express cars delivered to R&GVRRM

Out of the house... Today marked the day that the Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum was taking delivery of its seven ex-New York Central Railroad 'Empire State Express' cars which had spent many years operating on the Ontario Midland Railroad. Here we see R&GVRR #1654 pulling a warm and pre-lubed #1843 from the restoration building to get the #1843 started as both engines would be needed in the car delivery. With a puff of white smoke, #1843 roared to life and both engines set out for the day's work.

Its empty now... To handle the incoming passenger cars, the R&GVRRM moved all of the cars stored in its new restoration building north yard into storage on the museum mainline leaving the yard ready to accept the passenger cars.

RPO delivered... Along with six coaches, the R&GVRRM owns one of the two Railway Post Office (RPO) cars from the original "Empire State Express." Here we see NYC 5021, the "Alonzo B. Cornell" as it comes in and then heads up the hill to storage in the upper yard. Tied on to the north end of the #1843 was the museum's restored Erie caboose #C254. This was used to give the crews a place to warm up in between car moves.

Last car comes in... The last of the seven cars heads for track #4 in Industry yard with R&GVRR #1654 leading the way. The car will soon head to storage in the upper yard.